harwood's francolin የሀርውድ ቆቅ(ሶረኔ)
/Francolins harwoodi/
Brief description: first recorded in 1898 at aheafag.
U-shaped pattern on the black and white breast feathers.
Has red leg and red eye patch Wing: 180-190mm Habitat: valleys and gorges Distributions: upper bllue-nile at Debre-Markos Dejen bridge 160km.
Breeding seasons: December to February.

Erlangers lark የኤርላንገር የስንደዶ ወፍ
/Calandrella erlangeri/
Brief description: large black pach on side of breast, blackish forehead
upper parts heavily black & very dark white edged tall when flushed.
Wing: no coded.
Habitat: open dry agricultural field. Distribution: Bale Mountains, en route to Goba only
Blue winged Goose ሰማያዊ ክንፍ ዝይ
/Cyanochen cyanopterus/
Brief description: in flight, this species shows a pale blue forewing.
parties of three to five Wing: 325 – 376mm Habitat: plateau sub-tropical or tropical high-altitude shrub land or grass land about 1800 meters upward Distributions: Mountain lakes Breeding season: no coded

Black Headed-siskin ራሰ-ጥቁር ዘረ-በል
/Serinus Nigericeps/
Brief description: all black head (male) and dull green upper parts the female is similar but her head and neck are dull olive green with black present on the top and side chin and throat.
Habitat: highlands b/n 1800 and 4100m.
Wing: 74-80 mm Habitat: grass lands Distribution: High altitude Breeding season: May, June, September- November, two or three eggs in number

Ankober Serin የአንኮበር ዘረ-በል
/Serinus ankoberensis/
Brief description: greyish-brown upper parts heavily overlaid with dark brown streaking
Wing: no coded
Habitat: Plateau
Distributions: cliff-face 2-4 km north of Ankober town
Breeding Season: October and March

Abyssinian-Long claw የሀበሻ ጥፍረ ረጅም ጡልጡሊ
/Macronyx flavicollis
Brief description: yellow throated solid dark necklace
Wing: 83-95mm
Habitat: open grass lands
Distributions: south-eastern and western highlands
Breeding seasons: January to February