World Wildlife Day was celebrated
The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority attended the International Wildlife Day celebrated at Gulele Botanical Center under the theme "Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation". The FDRE State Minister of Tourism, Mr. Selshi Girma, stated that the role of technological products in the tourism industry is becoming more and more important by protecting natural resources, carrying out studies and research in the sector, as well as promoting the sector widely. Mr Selshi Girma added that the new methods being implemented by the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority in the field of wildlife conservation are a unique weapon to overcome the challenges faced by the sector. The state minister also stressed that the Digital Match Making technology, which is in the beginning stage, in collaboration with partners, has a high role, especially in the expansion of tourism investment, so we should all be involved in the process of fully providing services. The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority is currently working on a wide range of activities, starting from updating its information management system, to properly collect and organize information on the activities carried out in the area of wildlife conservation areas, to create an environment in which national parks are better known for conservation business, and experts in the field can quickly familiarize themselves with new methods that come up regularly said Director General of EWCA Mr. Kumera Wakjra.
International Wildlife Day was celebrated at Gulele Botanical Center under the theme "Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation".