Global Wildlife Program 2023 Annual Conference has held.
The Global Wildlife Program has been an important platform to coordinate GEF funded projects and enhancing knowledge exchange among countries, developing manuals, providing technical assistance and undertaking webinars. It will continue to be the best platform in addressing knowledge gaps in the area of wildlife and protected area conservation.
The Ethiopian delegate led by his excellency Mr Kumara Wakjira, the Director General of EWCA, has participated on the annual conference of the Global Wildlife Program held in Bangkok, Thailand from November 27 to December 1, 2023. On the annual conference a wide range of experiences on Wildlife and Protected area conservation have been shared among the 36 GWP countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Ethiopia has shared its experience on livelihood in conservation from our practices in Menz Guassa, Senkelle, Adaba Dodola and the lessons learnt from the GEF 6 project interventions in community engagement. Some of the most important best practices and lessons learnt from the conference include management of human wildlife conflict, cotrolling illegal wildlife trade and trafficking, conservation technology, ecotourism development and law enforcement. It is to be recalled that Ethiopia's proposal to benefit from the upcoming GEF 8 project on Wildlife Conservation for Development Integrated Program has been approved and this conference has provided additional highlight on how to develop the project document of this project and how to effectively implement it.